Friday, January 30, 2009

Raised Windshield Wipers in Winter

Is there any topic on earth that cannot start a controversy? I am asking this question seriously after reading a bunch of comments on the Internet about raising windshield wipers when parking a car in the winter.

I first noticed some people doing this last year, and it probably took me a day to figure out what it was all about. So for anyone wondering why, I was finding that my windshield wipers were getting stuck to the windshield, not only stuck but seemed to be locked in about an inch of solid ice. So even when I managed to get them free, I had to chip the ice out from between in the multiple links. If anyone thinks this doesn't happen, they probably don't live anywhere near me. But in any case, there is logical reason why it happens, and I will explain for those who don't live here. With the melting and freezing temperatures, not to mention the warm car cooling off while parked, snow, water and ice slide down the warmer windshield to the wiper blades, which are colder. Then the water stops and freezes, in ever increasing layers.

Why I didn't think of raising the blades all by myself, I don't know. But I started trying to remember to lift the wipers when I park, and typically they are free of ice and snow when I'm ready to drive. All I have to do is sweep or scrape the ice off the windshield, flip down the wipers and I'm ready to go. Why would I want to spend any more time than that in the freezing cold? It's bad enough already. Now if I forget to raise the wipers, I mentally kick myself and try harder to remember next time.

Many questions. Why would there be a controversy? Why would someone want to call people sheep for doing this? Why insults? And more than anything, why can people not figure it out for themselves once they see what people are doing?

Nobody suffers if other people do this. It doesn't cause an eyesore in the neighborhood, lowering property values. Nobody ever lost a finger when flipping down the wiper blades. No migrating birds are killed. Even if somebody can't figure out why people are doing it, they shouldn't care. Yet apparently they care enough to type comments on the Internet.

Maybe there is a very strong undercurrent in this country that no new ideas should ever be tried. This is what we call the "conservative" way of thinking. So far I have not yet seen this topic debated on Fox news, but I hate to think what kind of controversy would develop if some large corporation stood to lose money when people raised their wipers. joomla visitors

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